Monday, October 25, 2010

( Cont ) Rainie Yang's album - Whimsical World Collection ♥

Hi Bloggers !
This post is the continuous of last post: Rainie Yang's album - Whimsical World Collection ♥. In this post, i just want to share some of the music video. I cannot upload too many video. so, here is some of it:

Rainie Yang's album - Whimsical World Collection ♥

Hi bloggers ! =D
I'm back with the news of Rainie Yang. lol
hmm.. actually it is an old news.. err.. because it is long time ago already.. this was a hot news in entertainment on april 2010. But, since i am Rainie Yang's fan, i would like to share about her new album to all my friends. =D

Saturday, October 23, 2010

K-Pop Music Chart - October week 3

Hi bloggers !
I'm coming with news of Korean Songs this time since there is a request from our blogger. Anyway, it's kinda hard to find "top Korean Songs" because they do not update it weekly. However, i found this from a website of K-Pop music. 

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Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Top 10 songs of the week

hii bloggers .. =)
I am back. haha.. due to semester break, i found out that have been relaxing too long. and i forgot my assignments. my bad. T^T
anyway, I will try to keep posting. start from today. =)

by the way, I found out "top 10 songs of the week" from top10songs website. i have listened some of the songs. its quite nice. so, i want to share with you all.. =) i quite sure you all already knew some of them.. ^^

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Monday, October 4, 2010

1st Post

Hello bloggers ! 
This is my first post. It is a bit confusing for me.. @~@
anyway, I will post everything about music in this blog.
If you have any request, just ask me. I will try my best to find the information.. ^^
I think thats all for the introduction. lol
see ya~